Tag Archives: LinkedIn

The Clumsy Pattern: Passing Data Around

In the long-awaited part 2 of , I discuss how we pass around data and objects around — remote server communication.

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Android Development Quick-start

I’m trying to pick up a bit of Android development experience. Here’s some tips for getting started from scratch.  I have a lot to learn…

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The Definition of Good Software

In my mind, the definition of well-made software is this:  The absolute minimum required to get the job done. There’s a little agile in there, relating to software design minimalism.  That’s not what I’m getting at.  Whether you are developing … Continue reading

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The Clumsy Pattern: Software Development

I haven’t formulated exactly what I’m going to say, but I wanted to start a series on the Clumsy pattern in software development.  Don’t get excited, I’m neither adopting patterns as a beloved thing (that sentence needs its own post), … Continue reading

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Linked to LinkedIn

This is a silly, pointless blog post to see how LinkedIn deals with blog posts.

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